
Summer Hair Inspiration.

Summer is nearly upon us. And it's no secret that I have a thing for undone hair. That said I have been making more of an effort to "fix" my hair. I tend to gravitate towards styles that are the messier the better. I never like my hair looking too done, and prefer how it looks at the end of the day, tousled with pieces loose. I tend to stick to hair styles that take a maximum of 10 minutes. I don't have the patience for anything more. I tend to get frustrated and I just don't care enough to spend more time on my hair. I am also really missing my long locks after chopping 4" off a while back.  I think I'm into fixing my hair right now as a distraction from my missing length. But I know it will be long again in no time.

Here are some hairstyles that I plan on rocking in the coming weeks: 

The Side Fishtail Braid.
This one doesn't take much time and looks great the later in the day it gets. I always leave whispy hairs loose around my face. It's great for summer activities like riding a bicycle and also looks great paired with a hat.

Braided Buns. 
These styles probably take the longest of any hair style on here because braiding and pinning are required. Voila! Lovely updos for a wedding, date, bridal/baby shower or a birthday party.

Little Side Snake Braid. 
This one is super fast to do, 5 minutes max. Adds so much to a look so quickly. I also love this one with a bold lip and lots of lashes. This one is great for work and transitions seamlessly for a night out on the town. 

The Crown Braid.
Easier than it looks, braid hair into pigtails and pin over your head. Make sure to leave lots of loose pieces, the messier the better. This is one of my favorite braided looks. It's great for day-to-night. Or really any occasion. 

Sleek & Straight. 
I happen to have pretty stick straight hair. All this takes for me is to brush my hair while it's wet and add a little serum. If your hair is wavy or curly this does requiring some straightening. This one is super easy for me so I tend to do this when I am super short on time. 

Beach Waves. 
Again, my hair is pretty straight so when my hair is wet I spray in some Surf Spray and Thickening Spray. Put my hair in a bun and let it almost dry completely. Then let it out, shake it out and scrunch a little. It does require some drying time. I wish my hair just looked like this naturally but alas it does need a little effort on my part. This is a look for everyday.

The Top Knot. 
Pull hair to top of head, and anyway you like, tie into a messy bun and secure with an elastic and a few bobby pins. I love this one paired with statement sunnies or a bright lip. Top Knots are great for hitting the gym or when your hair is a little greasy or it's the weekend or you're just feeling over your hair and want it up and out of your face. 

What are some hairstyles you plan to rock this summer?