
One Year Anniversary.

A year ago this weekend I walked down the aisle and married Daniel. It's incredible how fast the last year has gone by. I think we have had quite the first year of marriage, facing more than most couples probably face in the first five years. When we landed home from our honeymoon, we were still on the runway when we received the call that Daniel's beloved grandfather had passed away. With only somewhere around 36 hours we hopped on yet another flight and jetted off to the funeral which happened to fall on my birthday. This was not even one month into our marriage. We have also experienced some very joyous moments, like being there for the birth of our nephew Charlie in December. It was a month later that I discovered I was pregnant myself. Now at our one year anniversary I am nearly six months pregnant, I could have never imagined that's how the first year would go down. 
I am so grateful to have found Daniel in this crazy world we live in and I am even more thankful to have him by my side everyday. I know there are about a million more struggles and joyous moments to come and there is no one I would rather be facing them all with. 

And next year at this time we will be celebrating with our sweet baby girl who will be 9 months old!
I can't wait to see what our second year has in store for us. I am sure it will also be more than I could ever imagine.
So to life I say bring it all on!
We are ready for you.

I love you Daniel. 